This newsletter kicks off our new season on teaching. Each volume, we'll explore new skills and ideas to help you create great learning experiences for other people.
Let's talk about what it means to listen when you're teaching. From the student's perspective, this is about being heard. But what does it mean to be heard? What does it feel like when someone hears you?
Too often, I think, we give the desire to be heard a negative connotation. People might say that someone "just wants to be heard" as if it's a way to pacify them. Maybe sometimes that's true, especially for people who like to hear themselves talk, but I think for most, it goes so much deeper than that.
It's a basic human need, built into how we communicate. We want to be heard by others. Sometimes, even our feelings need us to hear them. When someone truly hears, understands, and acknowledges us, it's a relief. You may take a big sigh of relief and feel your muscles relax. Instead of focusing on getting your point across or your need addressed, you may shift to a place of listening or observing.
This is why, when you're teaching, making sure your students feel heard is a critical skill. Everyone comes into a learning experience with their own needs, concerns, and even stresses. Those things will want to come out during your time together, and when they do, it's important to give them the respect they deserve.
Let's imagine you're teaching a problem-solving technique. As you explain it, one of the participants asks about how this relates to their own situation, because it sounds like your way of doing things may not work for them. You could give them a quick answer about how to apply it, or you could ask a clarifying question or two, and give their situation some thought. You could also offer to talk with them after the class to discuss it more. These are actions, but to me, that's what authentic listening is all about: Taking action.
Doing something like that can make or break a learning experience for someone. That part of them that was concerned about their own project can relax, and they can focus on the rest of their time with you. It's a better environment for them, along with everyone else involved.
Live workshop led by Bonnibelle Chukwuneta
Ready to take your freelance UX career to the next level? Whether you’re a seasoned UX pro looking for quality clients, or you’re new to the game and want to start from level 1, this workshop is designed for freelance UX writers and UX professionals who want to be confident leaders in managing clients, projects, and their freelance business.
Today’s work markets are more competitive than ever, so success as a UX freelancer takes more than great design skills. It takes strategic positioning, effective networking, and being able to clearly articulate the value you bring to clients. This 3-hour interactive workshop is designed to equip freelancers and UX pros with actionable strategies to stand out, connect, and thrive.
Have you ever wanted to teach other people new skills or ideas, but don’t know where to start? Are you responsible for training co-workers? Thinking about teaching a course of your own?
This workshop will show you how to go from an idea you’re passionate about, to an engaging learning experience your students will enjoy.
Did you know I offer private classes for you and your team? Choose from several proven classes I have ready to go, or hire me to design a class specifically for your team's needs. Available for in-person or remote sessions.
Just reply to this email and let me know if you'd like to hear more.
Thanks for continuing to be here and share in this.
Recently, it's been hard to get up the motivation to write a newsletter. I've been thinking about it and working up to it, and even my 11 year-old son keeps reminding me that this has been on my to-do list.
To be honest, it often feels like there are so many bigger problems out there. My little newsletter about being an authentic leader or a better teacher seems like the least of our worries, but honestly, it's what I have. It's a small thing that has brought me joy and I'm always blown away when I hear from those of you who have found it helpful as well.
I'm just sharing this in case you're struggling too. While we're all wrestling with different things, I just hope you know you're not alone. If you ever need to talk or want to hear an encouraging word, I hope you feel welcome to reach out.